Is Europe ready to protect SCADA?

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Industrial Control and SCADA systems are the heart of the European Critical Infrastructures. ENISA, as part of its activities, has undertaken several actions to support ICS stakeholders by helping them to improve their security practices and by raising awareness to both industry and the public sector. In 2015 the Agency publishes “Analysis of ICS-SCADA Cyber Security Maturity Levels in Critical Sectors”.

The goal is to address and pave the road for future efforts in national and European ICS-SCADA security activities. For this reason, ENISA has analysed the current maturity levels in ICS-SCADA across European Member States and drawn conclusions on different national approaches. The aim is to present the current national ICS-SCADA security postures and to provide the stakeholders with a set of recommendations on how they can improve their practices, especially regarding critical sectors.

Four 'maturity profiles' were identified. The analysis revealed also areas for improvement. As a result, a set of high level and context specific future recommendations to policy and decision makers are issued that help them raise the bar of ICS SCADA in Europe:

  • Align ICS-SCADA efforts with national cyber security strategies and CIIP effort
  • Develop good practices specific to ICS-SCADA cyber security
  • Standardize information sharing among critical sectors and Member States
  • Build ICS-SCADA cyber security awareness
  • Foster expertise with ICS-SCADA cyber security trainings and educational programmes
  • Promote and support ICS-SCADA cyber security research and test beds


The recommendations shall assist, both the European Commission and the Member States, in the process of building a resilient ICS-SCADA environment in Europe.  To support this, ENISA will continue to release reports and documents tackling the topic of cyber security in industrial control systems and work closely with the ENISA ICS Stakeholder Group and EuroSCSIE enhancing the security of ICS SCADA in Europe  .


For full report

Brochure on ENISA SCADA activities available for download


For technical information please contact Rossella Mattioli, Security and Resilience of Communication Networks Officer, [email protected] , +30 2814409628

For press enquiries please contact [email protected], Tel.+30 2814 409576